hearts/spades lolita dress
(made for giveaway winner @crystiLucarnia on Twitter) THIS ITEM IS FOR FREE: if you see anyone charging someone for it/obmitting the fact that it's free and using it in a commission, they are scamming them. Conditions of use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/180ScAcs2kLeR8vvHOhuh_7eAoAX0uYPDZ6YlL_GoEPM/edit?usp=sharing How to use: This outfit is for the stable release of vroid(1.0 and newer versions) and uses layers, all the 5 layers are on the "half sleeves dress" template, follow the instructions on the last picture for info on the recommended settings USAGE RULES -You can edit these textures -Credit is not necessary, unless you make this outfit (or some items of it) part of your vtuber model's main design(the most recognizable/iconic one of your charatcher) in that case, credit is needed. -Credit is also necessary if this outfit(or some items of it) are used in a booth thumbnail to promote other assets(example: you make some makeup, take a picture of it while the model has my dress on it, in that case or similar ones please give the link to my outfit in the description) -Do not use in commissions,or in any commercial use(streaming with your model wearing it does not count as commercial use, since the outfit is not related to your gain, your content is) REDISTRIBUTION RULES -You can redistribute this outfit only if you edit it. -Any redistribution of this outfit MUST BE FOR FREE(no resellng) -Only places where redistribution is allowed are Booth.pm and Twitter -If you want to redistribute edits of this outfit, it is necessary to explicitily state that these are edits of my outfit, and give a link to the original assets. Please follow these terms with responsibility, if I see that many people fail to respect them I might take down my free assets and might not make free assets in the future. With that said, The Gambling Jester hopes you have fun with your brand new dress!