***Currently very inactive due to IRL stuff, may reply really late to some issues***
**Note about older assets(that were made for vroid beta):for everyone that uses the vroid stable release, if you want to use a skin texture,a clothing piece drawn on skin layer or an hair preset, you will need to import it into the beta version(downloadable on the official vroid website), save the .vroid file and then convert it into the stable release,DO NOT import beta ver. skin textures/layers as they are in the stable release, they won't fit right on the new mesh.
A few important things to know:
My assets' conditions of use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/180ScAcs2kLeR8vvHOhuh_7eAoAX0uYPDZ6YlL_GoEPM/edit?usp=sharing
-If people disrespect my conditions of use, please let me know.
-If you are unsure about something in my conditions of use feel free to ask me about it!
-Please check the info text file before contacting me, it will most likely contain the solution to your problem.
With that said, the Gambling Jester welcomes you to their shop!